Category Archive : women-site

Do Good Deeds Not For Attention!

"Good Deeds Must Be Done with Good Intention! Not For Attention!"

-Bibi Nasabi

Do Good Deeds Not For Attention!

Do good deeds with good intentions and not for attention.

Don't do good with an intention that is for the spotlight!

The good deeds we do today for anyone in need will return to us, for humanity is circular in its giving.

There are many reasons for doing a good deed, which goes far beyond just helping.

Giving can be done in many ways, but the best is offering your time and energy to someone who needs it.

The person receiving a kind act or a random action has received a little help.

A Good Deed Has Double Effects!

Good deed positively influences others' lives and make us feel good about ourselves.

Also, your acts of kindness can affect your children and others in your community!

A small act of kindness is more valuable than a significant intent!

Acts of kindness have physical benefits!

It makes us feel good.

Kindness is an internal drive that makes us want to do good things, even when we get nothing in return.

When we do good things out of that inner desire, it is the goodness in everything we think, say, wish, and do.

The satisfaction from doing a good deed makes us happy with ourselves.

We All Want To Do GOOD!

Thinking Good and Doing Good Is not Enough!

It is noble to do good but more dignified and much less complicated to teach others to be good.

The best part of a reasonable person's life; is their small, unnamed, unremembered acts of charity and love.

It is far better to do good so that nobody knows anything about it.

Thinking good thoughts is not enough, and doing good actions is not enough.

But seeing others following in your good example is enough.

Remember, our lives are short in this world, and your excellent work will last forever.

Doing Good Work Is An Excellent Way To Gain A Bit Of Karma!

Good deeds build up a feeling of community, of being in solidarity, of an obligation to each other for and toward others.

Good deeds are spontaneous acts of kindness, generosity, charity, help, and aid.

And sympathy performed for no expectation of return in any form.

Posting a good deed to a social media outlet has little to do with self-interest.

And everything to do with spreading awareness of light moments in a darkening world.

If you give money or goods to charities, you are helping people who are not as lucky as you.

A Good Deed Is Never Lost!

Sad, but some people wish others would feel their pain and hurt just as much or even more.

Forgiveness Can Be Difficult!

Forgiveness can be difficult, particularly when the person who hurt you does not acknowledge the wrongdoing.

Sometimes we are so locked into grief and stubbornness that we cannot even fathom forgiveness.

When you see someone suffering from grief, offer your hurting friend an encouraging message. Be their good friend!

Tell them that forgiveness, understanding, love, and compassion are all possibilities, even after being hurt.

It will help in finding greater freedom and inner peace!

Let us get together and go and help everyone without accepting anything in return!

The good deeds we do today for anyone in need will return to us!

Do good deeds with good intentions! Not for attention!

You linger over events or situations that have caused hurt or resentment.

When you release your resentment, you will no longer define your life by how you got harmed.

By encouraging others to give back, you can get a sense of comfort.

A sense of comfort knowing that if you ever need a helping hand, someone out there will help in your hour of need.

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I Wish You All A Blooming Success And A Terrific Day!

God Bless You All!

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Best Wishes! Always Be Who You Are! And Keep Rocking!

Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!

Try To Make Just One Woman s World Different

Try To Make Just One Woman s World Different

"Maybe you can’t tackle global hunger or global warming.

But you can brainstorm ways to help the women in your community.

You could be of great value!"

-Bibi Nasabi

Try To Make Just One Woman's World Different!

Do you want to make the world a better place for all women?

If you make the world a better place for just one woman, your actions will make a significant difference.

A single person’s action can truly make a difference.

Real changes may take months or years.

Making the world a better place usually means improving things one few women at a time.

Together, we can make the world a better place!

Make the world a place of joy and unity, leaving no women behind!

What if? We Could Transform The Life Of Just One Woman For The BETTER!

What if? You could be something more than who you are.

If you know something valuable and valid, then tell the world.

Sometimes some women feel like they are chasing after something they cannot have.

My advice to all women is to take the pressure off themselves.

And dedicate time and energy towards what you have instead of what you do not.

If you cannot pinpoint what is making you feel pressured,  there is something off.

Taking wander off the table may help you become more aware of your feelings.

Are You Feeling Stuck In Life And Want To Find A Way Out?

It would be best if you knew what needs to change.

Close your eyes and picture something you always wanted in your life.

Try brainstorming things you always wanted to do, learn, or see.

There are plenty of opportunities waiting for you.

You should try something new and change something about what you are doing if you want to make any improvement.

Some women know what they want to change.

And some feel that something needs to be different, but they do not know what.

Everything Is Changing Fast!

Everything is changing so fast nowadays, think about things you’re good at.

You can also improve it with practice, which will help make changes in your life.

You’ll notice that you have become different when you start doing other things.

You’ll notice that you have become different from yourself and the people around you.

The people around you will start noticing a difference in you, and they also will start changing.

Making just one tiny shift, and doing something different, will create a shift in you.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Failure!

I am not afraid of failure, but I don’t want to be in the same spot next year.

Use your failure to your advantage rather than let it control you.

Understanding the reason why you experience failure can help you overcome challenges.

See failure as a challenge of life that helps you learn rather than an obstacle to your future.

We are in charge of how we view our failure!

We should see failure as a bad habit that we must avoid at any cost.

Failure is a part of our life! It can be an opportunity to learn and grow!

A setback for one person makes an excellent learning experience for another!


Every human being experiences suffering!

When we suffer, we get connected with those who will follow.

Suffering Wakes Us Up!

And It prompts us to rearrange how we view life's game.

We all feel like doing something different!

If you want to change things, you need to do things differently!

Regardless of your circumstances, no matter where you are in life.

Wondering Is A Common Issue!
Digging deep inside can help you find what you want in life.
It will help you avoid another lousy situation that doesn’t serve you.
It would help if you had a plan, a purpose, a goal.
And a vision of how you’re going to get where you want.


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I Wish You All A Blooming Success And A Terrific Day!

God Bless You All!

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Best Wishes! Always Be Who You Are! And Keep Rocking!

Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!

Support Women! Help Them Grow And Shine!

Why Is Our Life Exam The Most Challenging?

"Our Life Exam Is The Most Challenging!

At school, we are given lessons first and tests later.

But in life, we are given tests first and lessons later!"

-Bibi Nasabi

Our Life Exam Is The Most Challenging!

Undoubtedly, our life exam is the most challenging in the world.

Life exam is complexly designed and has a high level of complexity.

In life, why is everyone tested the same?

We test everybody precisely the same like they are all exactly alike.

We are following others without realizing that everyone's problems are different.

Most of us fail because we are taught just a single point of view, not opposing versions.

People think they will have a great life if they are rich and famous.

But I believe that the love of money leads people to wrongdoings.

Money is the route of all evils!

Is Money The Route Of All EVILS?

Money is the route of all EVILS!

Money in any form is evil unto itself.

Why is money the source of trouble and evil?

I believe that it is not the money itself.

The love of money is a source of trouble and evil.

I believe that the love of money leads people to wrongdoings.

The love for money makes a source of all wrongdoing, which is the route of all evils.

In a person, who has a love for money, much different evil may have their roots.

Because they lusted for money, some people have caused considerable suffering.

The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All EVILS!

In their eagerness to get money, some people have caused much sorrow to others.

Money can hurt and splits families and communities!

Money is a cultural symbol, and we exchange it for numerous wants we possess.

We should use the money for good causes.

Use the money to care for your needs and family, feed the poor, and help the needy.

To be rich is not evil!

But in an anxious desire to acquire wealth, putting money ahead of relationships and people is evil.

Help to make the world a better place!

The Love For Money Can Lead To All Kinds Of EVIL!

We must live with a purpose that is bigger than money.

We all work to make money, save, invest, and well-handle it!

In the process of making money, please don't miss on being a good person.

A person's actions can make all the difference in the world.

Find like-minded individuals that are committed to the exact cause as you.

And together, you all can help make an impact.

People's Love For Money More Than Welfare!

People's love for money, more than the welfare of other individuals, is the route to evil.

How To Make The World A Better Place?

Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who want to make a difference will motivate you.

We all need support; even if we have a life-changing idea, we cannot go at it alone.

It is wicked to use people to make money.

What makes me upset is when people's love for money leads them to the route of evil.

Most people fail their life tests because they are taught just a single point of view, not opposing versions.

These people think that if they are rich and famous, they'll have a great life.

They try to copy other successful people to be rich and have a better life.

Don't just love money and forget the welfare of other individuals!

What Would You Do If You Had Time And Money?

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What Would You Do If You Had Time And Money?

Thank You! Best Wishes! Always Be Who You Are! And Keep Rocking!

Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!

What Would You Do If You Had Time And Money?

“We use most of our lifetime to earn MONEY!

We work all our lives to get to where we are now!

But we forget to make proper use of the most precious commodity the world has ever known: TIME!

Spend your TIME doing things that you always wanted to do!”

-Bibi Nasabi

What Would You Do If You Had Time And Money?

We all spend a lifetime working for money, only to discover we missed out on all the opportunities in our lives.

The opportunities to spend time with our family and friends and see the beautiful world around us!

We never know what life has in store for us and when things might turn around!

But when you do not take time to think, you will get into a mess.

And you will wonder why I am making all this money, but my life is not what I expected.

You are not buying things with money. You are buying stuff with hours of your lives.

Having more money may make your life more comfortable in many ways, but it is temporary.

Money may buy you a little bit of happiness.

But money cannot buy everything; most material goods do not make rich people happier.

Are Wealthy People Always Happy?

Wealthy people are depressed; and are not always happy even though they have money.

The more money wealthy people have, the higher the risk is for depression.

They are miserable, even though they have lots of money to spend because they spend it wrongly.

Money makes the rich less generous and more insulated, and insulation negatively impacts their well-being.

Wealthy people do not form a friendship with people who are not wealthy.

And it results in the feeling of isolation, and they become trapped inside a tiny bubble.

Money might help you reach your goals, provide a roof over your head, and make your life a little bit nicer.

But remember, you are losing valuable time trying to make that money.

And having stuff does not guarantee contentment.

So What Will Make Us Happy?

Know what you want in your life!

Don’t spend your life trying to impress people who never really cared about you.

Things like experiences, having more time to do something we enjoy, and spending time with our loved ones fuels happiness.

Many say we want money to have our roof over our heads.

We want a nice car and an easy, stress-free daily life.

Most of the time, even when we have enough money, we feel like the most lonely person on Earth.

Why do we feel lonely, even around so many people?

We still feel lonely and hide our broken hearts.

Time is precious, don’t waste your life, and do not miss opportunities.

And do what makes you feel right in your life journey!


How to Spend Your Precious Time?

Most people think twice about how they spend their money but do not consider how they spend their time.

We may think we have all the time in the world.

But what we want in life may require more time than we expected if we spend it on less valuable things.

Many people go through the motions daily without thinking.

Investing time in taking care of your health will give you more time.

It will add several days, months, and even years to your precious life.

If you don’t make time for your wellness now, you might have to make time for your illness later.

Time is precious! Don’t waste it just running after money!

How much time are you putting into earning your money? A lot!

Spend at least 1 hour daily doing something meaningful for yourself.

Spend your time walking in the woods, spending with loved ones, or on anything you enjoy doing.


Try to forget the bad moments of your life! Your failures!

Forgetting your failure will help you step forward!

Why Isn’t Every Woman Living The Life Of Dreams?

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I Wish You All A Blooming Success And A Terrific Day!

God Bless You All!

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What Would You Do If You Had Time And Money?

Thank You! Best Wishes! Always Be Who You Are! And Keep Rocking!

Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!

Support Women! Help Them Grow And Shine!

“How Can We Help Women Get Ahead In Life?

Raising words rather than voices will make life’s journey easy.

Support Women! Help them grow and shine!

Right words carry a lot of weight!”

-Bibi Nasabi

Support Women! Help Them Grow And Shine!

Women want more meaningful jobs and excellent growth opportunities.

They need support from other women who are already successful, both in words and in actions.

Don’t leave any women behind!

Look for ways for women employees to be seen, heard, and recognized.

Support Women! Help them grow and shine!

How Can We Help Women Get Ahead In Life?

I think women must learn to raise their words instead of their voices.

Right words carry a lot of weight!

It’s better to raise your words than raise your voice on something.

You will not need to raise your voice if you can elevate your words appropriately,

Your words can have a tremendous effect!


How to Raise Words?

The words that you use carry a lot of weight!

And you need to pick your words carefully so that they paint a positive and glamorous picture.

By using positive words, you will improve other women's personal and professional lives.

Try to identify the negative words in your style and replace them with positive ones.

By using positive words, we attract positive energy.

Raising your words rather than your voice will make your life journey easy.

Sometimes we women feel like raising our voices to be heard.

But I think we must not raise our voices, regardless of the stressful circumstances.

Blaming and sometimes aggressive tone can creep into our language, but it invites trouble rather than cooperation.

The day all women learn to compliment, motivate and encourage others, they will see positive changes.

Complimenting, Motivating, and Encouraging Positive Words!

When used correctly, encouraging words can have a powerful positive impact on all.

Positive, encouraging words can help make everyone feel better about them-self and encourages them to do better.

Praising or encouraging others modifies their challenging behavior and replaces it with the desired behavior.

By using praise, you are trying to turn an underachiever around; and coaching their weakness.

Praise can be a huge help, especially by offering praise publicly.

You make the effect of this expression of appreciation much stronger.

There are many ways to praise and show appreciation, so get creative and see what works best.

Ways To Help And Motivate Other Women!

Use concrete ways to offer effective praise that can help and motivate others.

Words can motivate, encourage, thank, or assist when used positively.  

You will feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally using positive words daily.

Using good words creates a positive, nurturing environment!

You would be surprised at how much of a positive impact complimenting.

But remember, people can spot a compliment that is not sincere.

So be sure the content of your compliment is appropriate for the situation as well.

When using good words, you want the person to feel good about them-self.

 So it is important to say so in a confident, enthusiastic way.

Your Compliments Can Help Someone!

Your compliments may help someone learn a new skill or enhance an old one.

Giving positive compliments is the most powerful thing you can do when helping another person achieve their goals.

As a giver, giving compliments boosts self-confidence while also improving your social skills and stimulating creativity.

Letting the positive ball roll is essential to encourage others to keep doing their best job and be an inspiration for others.

Surround yourself with those who are supportive!

Please support the people you are in contact with, complimenting them and offering words of encouragement.

A kind word brings about a positive sentiment in the other person, which is why we must always incorporate kind words into our discourse.

Our lives will never get better just by accident!  Things will get better for everyone only if we make changes.

A Great Life Doesn’t Happen By Chance!

A great life does not happen by chance, but it happens by design.!

Changes do not come about by accident!  It comes about by choice!

Nothing happens by accident, and one must exert effort towards making that happen.

We all women want to be happy and succeed.

But as much as we strive for positivity, there are times when events may catch up with us and take us down.

Changing our mindset or internal beliefs is where the magic happens, but it takes time and consistency.

Good things will happen if you make an effort and have the willpower to make it happen.

How Can Women Help Women Get Ahead In Life?

Women seeking new opportunities have found it helpful to listen to others in similar positions.

They learn new approaches and find alternatives to deal with their challenges.

It helps when women employ and support other women in a position to do so.

Women must stand up for women!

We women should build career confidence by helping women of all ages achieve their goals.



How to Support Women and Help them grow and shine?

The right words carry a lot of weight!

Our lives will never get better just by accident! 

Good things will happen if we make efforts and have the willpower to make them happen!

All women must compliment, motivate and encourage other women, and we will see everyone grow and shine!

Why Isn’t Every Woman Living The Life Of Dreams?

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I Wish You All A Blooming Success And A Terrific Day!

God Bless You All!

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Thank You! Best Wishes! Always Be Who You Are! And Keep Rocking!

Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!


Why Isn’t Every Woman Living The Life Of Dreams?

“Some women do not try to live the life of their dreams.

They need to move with their guts to pursue their dreams despite the uncertainties.

Please do not violate your values to fit in with the crowd!

You are capable of building the life you want!

-Bibi Nasabi

Why Isn’t Every Woman Living The Life Of Dreams?

Women give up their dreams simply because they are unwilling to try to find the next version of themselves.

Do not give up your dreams! Make following your dreams A PRIORITY IN YOUR LIFE!

If you make things a priority that is important to you, you will get closer to living your dream life.

Dreams do not come true by themselves. It takes courage! You are capable of building the life you want!

Some women do not try to live the life of their dreams.

Because they are not sure, they settle on something safe and comfortable.

These women have never learned to verbalize and explain what they truly want.

You need to work hard and appreciate the present!

If you want your future to align with the vision, you have inside of you!

How to Live Your Dream Lives?

Are you not living your dream?

The only reason is that you do not know what you want for your vision.

You can lead a prosperous, happy, fulfilling life when you commit to breathing life into your vision.

Once your unconscious mind understands what you want, you will naturally begin moving towards your goals.

We, women, are gifted with all the tools necessary to transform our world and our life!

We can transform our lives with one thought and conviction at a time!

Sometimes, we are frustrated with our journey progress as we cannot see any rapid growth.

It is okay to be frustrated. Never give up!

When you are frustrated, keep quiet and let the storm take its natural course, and move on.

Continue to make minor improvements, which will make a massive difference in your journey!

How to Create a Brighter Future?

You cannot always change what happens to you, but you can change how you respond.

Every day, you have free will and the ability to choose in each situation and thought.

Start thinking about how bright your future is going to look!

Women living their dream enjoy the journey rather than being obsessed with the destination.

These women do not just talk about their dreams.

They make daily steps towards making their desires come true. 

The contents of your present lives make your thoughts and emotions from your past.

Be mindful of your minds. Your lives determine your thoughts and beliefs.

Start creating a brighter future for yourself, one you deserve.

You Create Your Life With Your Thoughts!

You can change your life, and there is no such thing as a hopeless situation.

Create your life with your thoughts. If you want to change anything in your life, you can do it.

Change every circumstance and event in your life by changing how you think.

Do not focus on what you do not want, what you are afraid of, and what you want to avoid.

If you keep thinking about what you don’t want, it will keep showing up again and again.

Stop thinking more about what you don’t want, and start thinking more about what you want.

Use Your Thoughts To Create a Life You Want!

If you do not use your thoughts, you will create circumstances according to your older mindset.

Your Future Depends On What You Do Now!

The things you are avoiding could be the path toward your desired future.

See your present and future selves as two distinct individuals.

And your chances of making better decisions NOW will increase.

If you are avoiding the moment now or constantly returning to memories from the past, you will feel anxious.

When you create a new vision for your life, you instantly start seeing your entire life.

Never Stop Being a Good Person Because of Some Bad People!

Your life is in your hands, no matter where you are now. And what happened in your life.

Those who learn to master their thoughts and words master their future!

By taking charge of yourself and your thinking processes, you will be able to create a more positive, uplifted life.

 As well as diminish or eliminate the impact of any hurtful or negative energies that you come across.

Thinking about the future may cause anxiety.

But it may also make our lives more meaningful.

Give thanks to those in your life, who have listened to you without judgment, and loved you without condition.

You Hold The Key To Improve Your Life!

What you think in your mind, you can bring into your life.

Try listening to your thoughts and the words you are saying.

Think only good thoughts, and good ideas are powerful. You will create a good life with your good thoughts!

Every day is creating your future, so spend your time wisely. Negative thoughts will attract more worries!

Don’t ruin a good today by thinking of a bad yesterday! Your future will always be better than your past!

All good days will bring happiness! And bad and worst days will give you experience and lessons!

Don’t give importance to what lies behind and before you! What is essential now is what lies within you!

Every Woman Can Live The Life Of Her Dream!

 All storms don’t destroy you; they come to clear your path.

Sometimes you think things are falling apart, but they may be falling in place.

We get what we think, whether we want them or not!

Learn to live the life of your dreams. Learn to verbalize and explain what you truly want in life!

Let Us Make A Difference! In The Lives of All Women!

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I Wish You All A Blooming Success And A Terrific Day!

God Bless You All!

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Thank You! Best Wishes! Always Be Who You Are! And Keep Rocking!

Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!

There Is A Purpose for Every Person You Meet In Life!


"Everything that happens to you has a purpose and is for a reason!

People you come across will test you, help you and teach you! 

And you learn your life lessons through your failures, tragedies, and the process of hurt!"

-Bibi Nasabi

There Is A Purpose for Every Person You Meet In Life!

Some will test you, some will use you, and some will teach you.

And some people will help you bring the best in your life!

People we come across are there to help us learn some of the lives most valuable lessons.

Everything that happens to you has a purpose!  Everything that happens is for a reason!

You will find it out from the tragedy and failure that you encounter in your life.

The disasters and failures teach you an important lesson.

And you learn how to live with yourself when people leave you.

Share your pain! It will become someone’s power to live!

Your torturer teaches life lessons through the process of hurt.

The torturers are the ones that give us scars for life.

But actually, they are helping us climb out of the ashes.


People We Come Across Are There To Help Us Learn!

People we come across are there to help us learn some of the lives most valuable lessons.

Some people that we encounter give us a needed push in life.

And some people come into our world to find us and be an integral part of our lives.

One never knows what the next moment will bring. 

Each individual you encounter has a purpose.

And they are meant to serve you in your life and teach you something.

Some bring you close to your true self! While others challenge you! 

Each of them has something to offer us or something to teach us.

And some might use you; or test you, but this will help you discover yourself.

Your purpose will not become apparent right away.

But as you travel the road of finding your purpose, someday, when you least expect it.

Something will occur to transform your life for the better.

People We Know, And Encounter Are Part of Our Lives!

Our family members, best friends, and co-workers, the people we know and encounter.

They are part of our lives for a specific reason and purpose.

They teach us to live our life with passion and purpose, and we must keep learning new things daily.

Your life's purpose may not match what you expect, but it will feel right when you find it.

Believing events in your life serve a purpose and will allow you to become the best version of yourself.

Grief and pain make us appreciate life!

Painful experience such as breakups, losing loved ones, or losing your job, makes you stronger!

You learn how to survive through the pain of the experience!

We all manage to get through the hurt and feeling of being rejected.

Why do pains come at us in the worst possible ways?

Find Meaning In The Worst Things You Experience! 

Don't lose yourself in the process of rejection. You are unique, don't forget yourself!

Find meaning even in the worst things you experience. 

Through pain, you will experience the freedom to heal.

Why is life painful?

We must feel pain, as it makes us stronger psychologically and helps us care for ourselves and others.

When emotional pain is too much, it may cause changes to how you view yourself, others, and life as a whole.


What to do when life hurts?

You feel as though life is pulling you further down.

As though the emotional pain you are feeling is infinite.

You wonder whether your grief will ever end.

Or whether you will keep on stumbling down with no prospect of relief.

As you lay in pain, waiting for life to change, you will find a spark of hope in the bleakness.

Sometimes, words fail us in the middle of our pain.

And communicating with others about our feelings of sadness is hard.

The pain of feeling too much pain may even make you stronger, braver, more assertive, more resilient -- transformed.

Maybe you think that life is just too painful!

Are you wondering why you are there? Or whether you will ever manage to get through all of this?

Why are you feeling the way you are feeling?
And what you will do to avoid experiencing that same pain in the future.

You want to feel empowered rather than victimized!

Even though we all have a few good moments in life, everyone feels that dread about pain, about not being able to endure more.

A person drowning in grief has undoubtedly tried to hold on to the suffering of losing someone through death or a lifestyle.

And the grief of broken relationships, physical pain - all these things are painful.

There Is No Such Thing As A World Without Misery And Pain!

If you are feeling overloaded with grief, it may be hard to stay connected with the present moment.

These moments of grief start gathering up and building inside us, leaving us bruised and beaten inside.

The more positive memories we have, the more likely we will be happy and emotionally healthier in life.

While nothing makes those experiences feel good, taking notes of how they have benefitted you may be helpful.

You might face challenging times that bring you a lot of grief and hurt.

Or you may have lingering emotions stemming from traumatic experiences.

Some people are constantly miserable, regardless of always having a smiling face.

I Know That Life Is Not An Easy Road! But Don’t Lose Hope And Give Up!

There are always going to be times when we feel like giving up.

Don’t give up on yourself! Everything will work out!

Everyone struggles! Don’t quit! Just keep on moving!

You’ll make mistakes and learn!

Get hurt and bounce back! You’ll fall and rise!

We all are not perfect! Have confidence and faith!

There will be obstacles, but your determination to move forward will keep you going.

Never mind if you fail, at least you tried!

Everything that happens to us has a purpose and is for a reason!

Continue putting one foot in front of the other, keep moving, and you’ll find a way!

And set your mind to continue your journey even if it takes longer to see results!

Let Us Make A Difference! In The Lives of All Women!

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I Wish You All A Blooming Success And A Terrific Day!

God Bless You All!

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Thank You! Best Wishes! Always Be Who You Are! And Keep Rocking!

Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!

Mother with her son

How To Teach Your Son To Become A Good Husband And Father?


“Please raise your sons to be good men!

We women are not raising our son.

We are raising somebody’s husband and somebody’s father!”

–Bibi Nasabi


How to teach your son to become a good husband and good father?

Do you want your son to become a good man, a good husband for his wife, and a great father for his kids?

If you want to raise your son, who will respect women without instinct or hesitation, you must start building good habits in him.

Children follow the lead of their parents.

As a mother, you have the duty of instilling in your child good values.

Good values will help your son grow into a good person!

It would be best if you taught your son the good value he needs.

How to teach your son good values?

Teaching your child the skills necessary to become a good husband and father takes time, effort, and patience.

Your time and effort will be worth it when your son grows into a good man.

And a loving, helpful, reliable man-- a devoted husband and father you wanted him to become.

Good values will help your son grow into a good person!

We women should work hard and raise our sons right by inducing good values into them.

If you want to raise your son, who will respect women without instinct or hesitation, you must start building good habits while they are still young.

How to build good habits in your son?

Teaching your son empathy will help him to understand what others feel.

The habits of caring about other people’s needs will transfer to your son.

Teaching your son good manners is one of the most important things you can do for him as a mother.

A suitable manner is listening when people talk to him and looking in the eyes while listening.

Help your son learn how to show kindness and forgiveness when others make mistakes, even when the results are not what he likes.

These good values will one day help him become a good man, a good husband for his wife, and a good father for his children.

Show your son how to make the right choices!

Teach your son that when anyone along his path needs help, it is on him to step up.

The mother’s responsibility is to be a good role model! And teach her son proper manners and skills to prepare him for the world.

If you want to be a good mother, you have to be there, understanding what your son needs.

You must ensure you are training your son to become a good man as best as possible.

You want your son to be a good husband and a great dad when he has children.

Then show him how to make the right choices.

Your son learns the most by watching you.

Your child needs to see that you model respecting behaviors towards everyone, regardless of who they are.

Teach your son proper manners by rewarding him and by loving him.

Be firm, consistent, and clear with some consequences, but be sure that he knows that he is still loved and valued as an individual.

Make your child aware that people are watching his behavior, how he thinks, handles problems, and deals with life.

Educate your son on the rights and wrongs!

Raising your son to be a good man is never easy, but as a mother, you know you will try as hard as possible to raise him well.

Educate your son on the right and wrongs, and encourage him to make the best choices, and you will see him making good choices.

As mothers, we must educate our sons and teach them to make good decisions.

Your son needs the courage to keep doing what is right, even if people around your son are asking him to compromise.

Give him the courage to stand up for his beliefs in the face of intense criticism.

Help your son make choices that echo his values!

Help your son make choices that echo his values, regardless of what others around him are doing.

And help him understand how you think, and deal with problems, the stresses, and the strains of life.

Teach your son to speak out on things that he feels are essential.

Help him learn to listen to his conscience and make choices that echo his values, regardless of what others around him are doing.

Try to motivate your son with lots of praise and positivity.

Let your child know you expect him to be honest with you at all times, even when he makes poor choices.

Encourage him to get along with others and teach him how to live his life correctly while he is young.

So when he is older, he knows how to live and behave appropriately with his wife because he was taught it all in his childhood.

Do not let your son learn the hard way!

If you do not teach that principal now, your son will learn it the hard way, leaving behind him a trail of problems.

Dear mothers, teach your sons, from a young age, to take responsibility for both themselves and those who are younger and weaker.

And also for anyone who needs assistance and protection.

Teach your son the importance of small acts of kindness, showing compassion to those less fortunate.

Most important, teach him to show affection and respect to family members and friends.

We can bless our society generally by teaching good values to our sons.

Bless our society with men who are respectful, humble, honest, hard-working, intelligent, respectful to others, and who treat their women well

More about good human values and correct behavior!

Good human values and correct behavior will provide your son joy and happiness.

How can you build a good character in your son?

You should teach him to be responsible, fair, caring, trustworthy, tolerant, self-reliant, and respectful.

Also, teach him to respect humans, animals, and nature.

No one in this world is born with good values. And it is not a hereditary trait.

The best way to educate your son about good value is by teaching him to be what he pretends to be.

It might take time to teach him good values; he will not learn them overnight.

With all of the positive parenting tips above, you learned.

You can now teach your son how to develop self-confidence and self-esteem to become a good man.

And hopefully, these tips will offer some direction for moms.

Trying to learn how to become engaged, supportive, and loving mothers.

Do you want your son to develop into the man you want him to become?

You can do it through your teaching, words, and action; you have the power!

Teaching your son good values!  It is one of the most important things that you can do.

If your son learns values, the value of making good decisions, and how to live with integrity.

He will become a good man, the best husband for his wife, and a lovely father for his children!




Let Us Make A Difference! In The Lives of All Women!


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Do you find the ones you love are hurting you?

“It feels terrible when someone you love hurts you.

There is always some hurdle to living in this world!

Getting hurt is part of life! Quit running away from your problems!”

-Bibi Nasabi

Do you find the ones you love are hurting you?

Don’t run away from your problems!

People will judge you, hurt you, belittle you, and try to break you down.

And you feel terrible when someone you love hurts you.

The greater awareness you gain about your inner world.

The more you can align your actions with the kind of life you want to create.

Are your experiences in your family dysfunctional or abusive?

Learn how to avoid problems?

Start the journey to discover yourself by taking a courageous, honest inventory of your relationship.

Quit running away from your problems!

Quit running away from your problems and make every day a great day!

Quit trying to run away from your problems and make every day a great day!

No matter how fast you are running or how far you are, problems will eventually catch you.

 And you will be forced to deal with them, whether you want to or not.

If you are unwilling to put yourself out there.

And deal with a problem head-on and ultimately get past it; the chances are that you will not.

Through small things, you will accomplish significant changes in your life,  making each day the best day of your life!



How to quit running away from your problems?

Even if you are determined to stop running away from your problems, this may be hard to do alone.

It would be best to start looking for ways to address your biggest problems.

You have been running away from those problems for some time or those you are unsure of handling.

It may seem that there is no way to solve the problems that make you want to escape.

Unfortunately, if you keep trying to run, you will spend the rest of your life running away from problems.

If you cannot tolerate the situation not working out for you, you have to solve it ASAP.

And you can solve it by confronting the situation head-on and dealing with the key people or individuals involved.

Hurdles never stop! There’s always some hurdle!

Finding yourself is not easy!

That is right because there is always some hurdle to living, even in this complicated world.

There will always be downsides to all the good things.

And obstacles to all the desired items, a con to all the pros.

The more you know about yourself, the more you can structure your life to fit your wants and needs.

You develop meaningful self-knowledge by creating insights and self-awareness.

And a perspective about your strengths and potential.

Self-awareness allows you to dig deep into your desires and goals.

It helps to find out who you are, what you want to contribute, and how you can do that.

Take some time to think about the things that you love.

What you most look forward to may help you find ways to enrich your life.

A journey towards self-discovery!

You will have to go through difficulties in your life, but you must hope for a bright future.

If you would like to learn what self-discovery involves and how to enhance your life, keep reading.

Self-discovery includes a basis of personal effort and self-reflection.

Personal development begins as a self-exploration journey.

Once you get started, then continuing down this path is easy.

Think about who you are, what you stand for, and what feels consistent with your value.

And what needs to change to make life more fulfilling; then you will know what to do.

Start the journey to discover yourself by taking a courageous, honest inventory of your relationship.

Especially those relationships that may be toxic.

Of all the obstacles you must face in this life, the hardest will be the limitations you put on yourself.

It is easy to stay stuck in the past and struggle moving forward.

But this is something you need to do before the cup becomes too challenging to carry.

Make every day a great day!

Create your personal belief, something that makes the mind know you are serious about making every day the best day.

We all know how many crazy thoughts go through our minds daily.

Because so many of those thoughts are negative and repetitive, creating your personal belief.

Make way for more positive, self-empowering reviews!

And turn every day into the best day of your life!

There are a few ways you can make good choices, such as the best habits to follow.

No matter what challenges come your way, wear a smile each morning.

Telling yourself that you will have a great day has a positive effect on you.

We just so easily make a good or a bad day.

Our attitude makes the day a good one or a bad day.

Having a positive approach may seem like a skill.

But it is your way of seeing the best in anything anyone will encounter every day.

How to turn a bad day into a good one?

If you have a bad day, doing something for someone else changes how you look at things.

Are you trying to turn a bad day into a good one?

Do something more encouraging than entertaining.

Start your day by doing something that does not make you depressed.

Or feel helpless to make changes to your life or the world, either small or large.

Every day is a new day in a wise person’s life.

If there are things, people, and experiences holding you back in your life and making your days less joyful.

Less meaningful than they should be, see if you can release things.

Put extra effort into finding things to do that will change things.

Don't run away from your problems!

Quit trying to run away from your problems and make every day a great day!

Start the day by convincing yourself that today will be a great day.

Starting the day with a smile and a positive mindset toward everyone will improve your day.

Identify the things that must happen to make a day a good one.

Are you stuck in a holding pattern?

Put extra effort into finding things to do that will change things and make the world better.

Stay active and enjoy the present moment.

Don't dwell on the past and be consumed by negative thoughts!

 "Quit trying to run away from your problems and make every day a great day!

Start the day by convincing yourself that today will be a great day.

Starting the day with a smile and a positive mindset toward everyone will improve your day.

Identify the things that must happen to make a day a good one.

Are you stuck in a holding pattern?

Put extra effort into finding things to do that will change things and make the world better!"

“Let go of your past version and discover the side of you!

Success works in cycles; growing and shrinking, balancing and de-balancing.

Someday, regardless of how long or far off you are, you will have to face your problems.

And you are going to have to solve them.

Get ready to drop your old, negative ways of looking at something, and see it in a new, positive light.

When you first smile on your face in the morning, you are programming your brain to think positively.

And you will draw in this positivity all day!”

What to do when someone does not care about you?

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I Wish You All A Blooming Success And A Terrific Day!

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Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!

What Should I Do? Our World Has So Many Imitators!


“Our World Has Many Imitators And Few Initiators!

 Don’t Give Anyone the Power to Put You Down!

Always Listen To Your Inner Voice!

You Have the Master Key To Open Your Inner Lock!”

-Bibi Nasabi

What Should I Do? In This World, There Are So Many Imitators And Just A Few Initiators!

One of my fears is that many of us are learning the wrong lessons.

 We are learning to fear creativity instead of embracing it.

To overcome a situation of oppression, you first need to acknowledge its causes critically.

Then, transforming your actions can bring about a new situation.

To be able to fight your freedom struggles, you need to see the reality.

 Not as a closed world from which there is no escape, but a limited situation in which you can transform.

Tap into your inner voice to get guidance when you need it most

The more familiar you are with different aspects of yourselves, the easier it is to get in touch with your inner truth.

Finding your inner voice and listening could save you tons of time, energy, and anguish down the road.

Your inner voice is your unique truth-telling voice coming from your inside!

Don’t Give Anyone the Power to Put You Down! You Are Your Master!

You give away your power when you worry too much about what others think but not enough about what you feel about yourself.

Always ensure that, regardless of what happens, you always strive to put yourself first, to maintain your value over others.

If your self-worth depends on others holding you in high esteem, you will probably be a people pleaser.

When you allow others to affect you, you are out of control and upset.

 And you allow others to blame you, shame you, embarrass you, bully you, and, most obviously, control you.

You are giving away your power when you engage in primarily pointless acts of sacrifice.

Surrendering what others want you to do and acting against your best interests.

Any time you let someone negatively affect how you think, feel, or behave, you give them power over you.

You Should Be In Complete Control Of Your Emotions!

Accept that you are in complete control of your emotions, no matter what someone else is doing.

If you do not, the love you show to the negative person will quickly become unavailable to you and others.

Sometimes toxic people trap you as something of a hunting game.

You know that you should not succumb to them, but you also know there are consequences if you do not.

And you will be doing things that many toxic people want because you do not want to be unreasonable or create more drama.

Then they come back to enchant you, giving you just enough of what you need to keep you around.

Toxic People Try Hard To Downplay Your Strengths!

Toxic people will try hard to play up your faults and downplay your strengths; that is how they gain power.

If you can own your strengths and weaknesses, what toxic people think about you will not matter.

Because you will know your strengths are more than enough to make your flaws irrelevant, or at the very least, make them yesterday’s news.

Some people make others feel worse about themselves to make themselves feel better.

These individuals genuinely care about how others see them, but they generate a few smiles or giggles at their victim’s expense.

 Some people might resort to mocking others because they are not sure how to effectively communicate their honest thoughts and feelings.

The negative attention received for these behaviors usually makes the person feel worse, making them even more driven to bullying.

Having Low Self-Esteem is The Cause of Bully!

Having low self-esteem causes a person to bully others, as they may need to make others feel worse about themselves.

Some people use it to get other people in their corner, thinking that this will make others feel more positive toward them.

There are times people will try to bring you down, and those are when you have to be stronger.

And more focused on yourself instead of listening to what others are saying.

People will always say things about you, but it is even more critical to never listen to what people say.

They tend to say things that do not mean anything constantly.

Some people try to sabotage views and opinions contrary to their own.

You cannot please everybody, but toxic people believe you cannot please anybody.

You can let the negative thoughts and emotions take control or focus on the more positive feelings and shift your outlook.

Listen To Your Inner Voice! It Speaks the Truth!

Listening to your inner voice does not make your problems intuitively guide you.

Listening to your inner wisdom requires taking time to silence all of the chatter surrounding you and inside of yourself.

If you feel that your inner truth is playing a game of hide-and-seek with you, do not be disappointed; go with it.

Your inner voice helps you discern your wisdom, guidance, and direction fully.

Just because you are not feeling those moments does not mean they are not there.

Tap Into Your Inner Voice When You Need It Most!

Tap into your inner voice to get guidance when you need it most

You have that voice and feeling when things feel wrong or when something feels particular and surprising.

The internal voice offering guidance is not a voice that you hear necessarily.

 It is more of a sense of feeling (though it may, for some people, it is a voice).

Whether your inner voice is loud and clear or is more like a whisper.

 Listening to it can be an excellent source of guidance when you need it the most.

With patience, confidence, and a good listener, you can tap into your inner voice to get guidance when you need it most.

You Are Your Master! Listen To Your Inner Voice! You Have the Master Key To Open Your Inner Lock!

Only you have the master key to open your inner lock.

Believe in yourself;  you are worthy and strong enough.

All you need is a clear view and a very logical response to the point of life.

Your inner truth is the mirror that you see life through.

Nourish your inner voice with proper nourishment.

Like positive affirmations, uplifting people supporting you, and excellent self-care.

How To Deal With Difficult People In Your Life?

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I Wish You All A Blooming Success And A Terrific Day!

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Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!