Why Is Our Life Exam The Most Challenging?

Why Is Our Life Exam The Most Challenging?

"Our Life Exam Is The Most Challenging!

At school, we are given lessons first and tests later.

But in life, we are given tests first and lessons later!"

-Bibi Nasabi

Our Life Exam Is The Most Challenging!

Undoubtedly, our life exam is the most challenging in the world.

Life exam is complexly designed and has a high level of complexity.

In life, why is everyone tested the same?

We test everybody precisely the same like they are all exactly alike.

We are following others without realizing that everyone's problems are different.

Most of us fail because we are taught just a single point of view, not opposing versions.

People think they will have a great life if they are rich and famous.

But I believe that the love of money leads people to wrongdoings.

Money is the route of all evils!

Is Money The Route Of All EVILS?

Money is the route of all EVILS!

Money in any form is evil unto itself.

Why is money the source of trouble and evil?

I believe that it is not the money itself.

The love of money is a source of trouble and evil.

I believe that the love of money leads people to wrongdoings.

The love for money makes a source of all wrongdoing, which is the route of all evils.

In a person, who has a love for money, much different evil may have their roots.

Because they lusted for money, some people have caused considerable suffering.

The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All EVILS!

In their eagerness to get money, some people have caused much sorrow to others.

Money can hurt and splits families and communities!

Money is a cultural symbol, and we exchange it for numerous wants we possess.

We should use the money for good causes.

Use the money to care for your needs and family, feed the poor, and help the needy.

To be rich is not evil!

But in an anxious desire to acquire wealth, putting money ahead of relationships and people is evil.

Help to make the world a better place!

The Love For Money Can Lead To All Kinds Of EVIL!

We must live with a purpose that is bigger than money.

We all work to make money, save, invest, and well-handle it!

In the process of making money, please don't miss on being a good person.

A person's actions can make all the difference in the world.

Find like-minded individuals that are committed to the exact cause as you.

And together, you all can help make an impact.

People's Love For Money More Than Welfare!

People's love for money, more than the welfare of other individuals, is the route to evil.

How To Make The World A Better Place?

Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who want to make a difference will motivate you.

We all need support; even if we have a life-changing idea, we cannot go at it alone.

It is wicked to use people to make money.

What makes me upset is when people's love for money leads them to the route of evil.

Most people fail their life tests because they are taught just a single point of view, not opposing versions.

These people think that if they are rich and famous, they'll have a great life.

They try to copy other successful people to be rich and have a better life.

Don't just love money and forget the welfare of other individuals!

What Would You Do If You Had Time And Money?

Thanks for Reading This Article!

I Wish You All A Blooming Success And A Terrific Day!

God Bless You All!

Please leave your message if you like to share anything with me.

My Email: bibi@women-site.com

What Would You Do If You Had Time And Money?

Thank You! Best Wishes! Always Be Who You Are! And Keep Rocking!

Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!

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