How Can Stress Cause Hair Fall In Women?

How Can Stress Cause Hair Fall In Women?


“I know that thinning hair is not easy to combat, but I urge you to try natural treatments for thinning hair and not put vanity above your health. Don't lose HOPE."

-Bibi Nasabi

How Can Stress Cause Hair Fall In Women?  

Physical or emotional stress can lead to hair loss in women. It is easy for women to be afraid of losing their hair.

If you are losing more than 150 strands a day depending on your hair length or notice a significant change in the amount of hair falling out, stress may be the cause.

Falling out more hair than usual can signify that you are experiencing more stress than usual, even if you were not aware of it at the time.

Stress can contribute to mild hair thinning or significant hair loss if you're feeling stressed from work, personal life, or anything else.

Read on to find out how stress can affect the health of your hair, whether the effects are permanent, and what you can do to speed up hair re-growth

Constant stress at work or in relationships, financial difficulties, parenting problems, and any other type of emotional stress can severely affect the entire body, including hair follicles.

Emotional Stress Can Accelerate Hair Loss!

Being under great emotional stress can accelerate current hair loss.

Hair loss can increase stress levels and cause even more hair to fall out.

Not only the stress of a chronic condition, but medications used to treat a chronic condition can also cause hair loss, including some anti-depressants.

High-stress levels are associated with elevated androgen levels and increased secretion of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a chemical known to cause hair loss.

Stress is associated with hair loss called telogen poisoning, which can disrupt the natural hair growth cycle.

Behaviors resulting from sudden or chronic stress, such as not eating enough food, can also promote Telogen drainage.

The body has encountered some sort of stress; your hair stops growing and exacerbates hair loss. 

Telogen Effluvium: you may experience significant hair loss for about 3 months.

However, in some cases, external factors such as stress will put pressure on the hairline.

Leading to various conditions ranging from thinning to complete hair loss.

How Telogen Poisoning Leads To Hair Loss?

Many dermatologists believe that chronic stress can negatively affect hair follicles and cause persistent TE(Telogen Effluvium).

It  is the most common cause  of dissuading hair loss.

Telogen wasting (hair loss caused by stress) usually causes diffuse thinning, a type of baldness that affects the entire scalp.

People suffering from telogen wasting may notice a thinner ponytail or a sudden increase in hair loss in the shower, on a pillowcase, or at home.

Stress can trigger and potentially exacerbate a form of temporary hair loss called telogen poisoning.

Hair density is expected to slowly decline with age and in some (usual women between 30 and 60). Telogen depletion may be chronic and last for several years.

Stress has nothing to do with male pattern baldness,  a form of hair loss that causes permanent hair loss on the hairline, temples, and top of the male scalp.

If hair loss is caused by stress or traumatic events, such as a physical accident, surgery, or psychological stress event, the hair will grow on its own.

How long does it take to recover From Stress-Induced Hair-Loss?

However, since the hair can return to its original length after a few years, it may take a long time to fully recover from the stress-induced hair loss.

 There is a delay between the cessation of hair growth and hair loss.

In the hair of the human head, this delay lasts three months, the cumulative duration of the catagen and telogen phases.

Usually, it takes about 3 months between a stressful event or time frame and hair loss.

Within 3 months of the stressful event, the affected hair follicles will fall out when you brush, style, and wash your hair. 

As mentioned, this is the most common type of stress-induced hair loss, but luckily it is temporary.

Most people reported that telogen effluvium hair loss was for 6months, and hair growth was restored after 6 months.

Many factors affect our hair growth, such as nutritional deficiencies (iron, zinc, vitamin D, and protein), dandruff, and abnormally greasy scalp, which can be corrected relatively easily.

In addition, most drugs used to treat hair loss have side effects such as decreased libido, scalp irritation.

Ways to Grow Hair Naturally!

Although there is no permanent cure for thinning hair, repeated hair care can help reduce hair loss and promote new hair growth.

Instead of investing time and money in hair loss treatments, choosing natural alternatives that are entirely safe for the scalp and skin if you have mild hair loss is best.

You can quickly get rid of hair loss and other hair problems without paying a tremendous amount of money.

Like the Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to treating hair loss, the best hair loss remedies  can be applied at home using simple, pure, and natural ingredients.

If a person is trying to prevent hair loss or stimulate hair growth, a few tips on diet and hair care will help them achieve their goal.

In addition, here are some valuable tips that can be used as effective hair loss remedies. If you follow them carefully, all of these remedies can help reduce or even reverse hair loss.

Natural Treatments for Thinning Hair!

If you need help to reduce your thinning hair, make your hair stronger.

Reduce the likelihood of breakage and help to make your hair look fuller and minimize hair loss, then you are in the right place.

Hair loss is not a temporary problem.

If you just want to restore the previous level of thickness, these are some natural hair thinning remedies that will hopefully help bring hair growth back.

According to the Mayo Clinic, medications commonly prescribed for thinning hair can cause chest pain, heart palpitations, itching, flaking, redness, and  scalp irritation.

When fixing a thinning hair problem, the last thing you need to do is to load your scalp with chemicals that can irritate the skin even more and make the situation worse.

We lose about 80 strands a day, which makes hair loss and shedding a regular part of our daily lives.

Feeling like your hair is thinning can be an awful sensation, especially when worried about it.

From vitamins to food, from natural oils to hair products, you can find the root cause and try these methods.

Best Herbal Products for Thinning Hair!

Some herbs can promote hair growth and help you cope with hair loss naturally.

Certain hair products can damage the scalp, but castor oil helps restore pH balance.

Castor oil (great for hair growth), rosemary oil, biotin, vitamin E, and caffeine stimulate the scalp and promote hair growth.

It not only moisturizes and soothes irritated scalp but also stimulates hair follicles.

You can also use dry Amla powder and apply it to your hair and scalp to get excellent benefits.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant essential for binding collagen in hair. It can make the strands stronger and hold the hair in place.

Lavender has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties and can help treat hair loss because it effectively remedies many scalp diseases.

 Lavender oil stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, enhances new hair growth, and helps balance natural sebum production.

More Herbal Remedies for Thinning Hair!

Use fresh lemon juice or lemon oil, as both can improve the quality and growth of your hair.

 Lemon oil can help you keep your scalp healthy and stimulate hair growth. You can also use lemon essential oil diluted in a carrier oil as part of the hair mask.

The use of peppermint oil increases scalp stimulation and increases the growth factor required for the regeneration of the hair follicle.

Peppermint oil is also an ancient herbal remedy for treating hair loss and improving hair growth in humans.

The methanol in peppermint oil improves blood circulation and can increase hair strength and growth when applied to the scalp/

Oral supplements containing natural ingredients such as sea protein (shark cartilage) and fish oil (omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) can significantly reduce female hair loss.

Other natural products such as biotin and zinc are also recommended for hair loss treatment.

Best Home Remedies for Hair Fall!

Marmik Neem Oil

Anti-hair loss and regeneration marmik neem oil can help prevent hair loss and  stimulate healthy hair growth.

 It can also be  an excellent conditioner to make hair smooth and shiny.

It also contains growth-promoting vitamins such as biotin, folic acid, vitamin A and vitamin D, naturally present in healthy hair.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is an effective home remedy for hair loss and hair growth.

It plays a vital role in balancing the pH level of the hair and scalp.

And has the right consistency to penetrate deeply into the scalp and moisturize it from the inside out.

Preventing dandruff, strengthening hair roots, and promoting hair formation.

Aloe Vera can soothe the scalp and remove excess oil from the hair.

Can reduce dandruff and unclog hair follicles  blocked by extra oil.

Helps cleanse sebum,  clog hair follicles and prevent hair  re-growth.

And it helps to improve the quality of the hair and gives it a natural shine.

It can promote new growth and is often found in many hair care products to restore hair.


Antibacterial properties in onions help fight scalp infections, and the sulfur content in it can improve blood circulation in hair follicles.

 The sulfur content in onions helps to improve the blood circulation of the scalp and promotes the growth of collagen to keep the skin and hair healthy.

Onion juice has been proven to promote hair growth and successfully treat alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks hair follicles and causes hair loss in various parts of the body.

According to a study published in the Journal of Dermatology, topical application of raw onion juice to the scalp can help restore hair growth, especially in the case of alopecia areata.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can penetrate deeply into hair shafts and prevent protein loss.

It helps reduce damage and brittle hair often caused by physical injuries such as styling or  harsh products.

Use coconut oil as a leave-in conditioner.

It can help from hair fall and  improve the shine of your hair.

Coconut oil contains a fatty acid called lauric acid, which penetrates the hair shaft and reduces the loss of protein in the hair.

In addition to fighting excessive hair loss, regular application of coconut milk can also help reduce dandruff.

Repair damaged hair and stimulate faster hair growth.

A study also found that applying coconut on the scalp helps enrich the scalp microbiota and makes the scalp and hair follicles healthier.

Green Tea

Use green tea solution as a conditioner after shampooing.

Boil several green tea bags in one liter of water for 20 minutes, let it cool and

rinse your hair with the green tea solution and continue to massage the scalp gently.

Repeat it twice a week.

Sesame Seed Oil

The oil extracted from sesame seeds is  suitable for nourishing, conditioning, and promoting hair growth.

The antibacterial properties of sesame oil help treat scalp infections.

Scalp Massage

Scalp massage can be used in combination with hair oils to stimulate the scalp and increase the thickness of the hair.

Stretching during a massage promotes hair growth and the thickness of dermal papilla cells  at the bottom of hair follicles.

It also helps open clogged pores in the scalp and accelerates the growth of hair follicles.

 And it helps to improve blood circulation in the scalp and anchor the hair roots to the scalp.

Stress disrupts the normal hair follicle cycle and can lead to hair loss. And a study in rhesus monkeys showed that monkeys with more cortisol (stress hormone) in their hair were more likely to lose hair by stress.

Stress is thought to somehow alter the chemistry of the hair follicles by causing too many hair follicles to rest simultaneously.

It is not entirely clear what causes the hair to rest, but a review of the literature suggests  neurotransmitters or hormones produced in stressful situations may be to blame.

Chronic or severe stress caused by physical or psychological trauma can temporarily cause hair to fall out for some women.

 Don’t lose hope; try to reduce your life stresses.

One effective treatment for hair loss is lifestyle changes to reduce or eliminate the underlying causes of stress.

Hopefully, some natural hair thinning remedies will help reduce or even reverse your hair loss.

Through a consistent and patient approach, natural hair thinning treatment can help your scalp restore hair growth or at least help thin at a slower rate.

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