Why Do We Keep On Waiting? Tomorrow Is A Mystery!

Why Do We Keep On Waiting? Tomorrow Is A Mystery!

"TOMORROW IS A MYSTERY! Yet We all are waiting for the same thing OUR TURN!

We feel that we do not have the means to rise above.


Doing the right things today! Will have the gift you want!

It will bless your life and the lives of others."

-Bibi Nasabi

Why Do We Keep On Waiting?  Tomorrow Is A Mystery!

We are waiting for someone to change the situation because we will not do it.

Sometimes to find the light, you must pass through the deepest darkness.

Tomorrow Is A Mystery! Unless some crazy genius builds a time machine,

If you live in the present and keep thinking about the past, you are a ragged fool.

If you waste your energy thinking about what you did or didn't do in the past.

 It will prevent you from taking the proper action in the present.

Forgetting the past doesn't mean you can sin and forget it

You won't have a future if you don't do the proper thing in the present.

Remember, there is no way of knowing what will happen in your future.

Learn from your past mistakes, or you'll continue to make the same mistakes again.

Pursue your goals with every breath now, in your present, without waiting for a mystery tomorrow.

We keep on waiting, for our unknown future and it creates space in our life.

Waiting For The Mystery Tomorrow! Creates Space In Our Life!

No matter what you're waiting for!

Waiting creates space in your life instead of directly addressing situations or problems.

Waiting  creates space for the things that make your heart beat faster and the things that matter to you.

The waiting creates space in your life, precious time to get in touch with what's happening inside you.

You wait for things to change. Waiting can get you into situations you don't think you can handle.

Things or people do not work or act as we would like.

And we feel that we do not have the means to rise above; we're still waiting.

When you look to the future, you sometimes wonder what will happen in the world for the rest of your life.

No one knows what will happen tomorrow except for fortunetellers. Our tomorrow is always a mystery.

But we all still keep waiting for a mystery tomorrow instead of doing something today. Our Present!

Do Something Now! Your Present!

You are just a dreamer if you always think about the future while living in the present.

Don’t wait for a mysterious tomorrow to do things you want to do in your life.

You can do it now, in your present, and you can do it better using your past experiences.

If you pursue your goals with every breath now, your future will not be a mystery at all.

Waiting forces us to slow down. We are in a constant state of "moving" and forced to take a breather.

And as you shift your attention to today, aware of the present, you begin to realize the power hidden in the present.

We should never forget that tomorrow is a mystery. Yesterday was history, and today is your present!

 If you commit yourself to your today,  you can shape your life in the future.

And you will have more opportunities to see how things will change in the future.

Pay attention to the present moment and realize that today is a brand new day filled with fantastic opportunities.

Tomorrow is a mystery! Yesterday was history, and today is your present!

Tomorrow Is A Mystery!

Tomorrow is a mystery. What you do today tweaks your future!

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, so we call it the present. 

What you do today will change your future. You have this day just for yourself

 You may regret your actions; oh, I wonder how many times I did not do it.

Things could have been different, but that’s all it is, if not, no matter how many times you regret it or cry.

You will not change not at all, so don’t make your yesterday more about your today!

Remember! Those who cannot lift you will bring you down for one reason or another.

Appreciate those who let you know where you can improve.

They see your potential; and will let you know where you can get better.

Our Today Is Our Present!

Your presence in the present is where real life happens.

Most of us spend a lot of time thinking about our past and future.

There is a lot of truth in the idea that looking only forward or even backward can hinder our ability to appreciate the present.

Our  past gives us courage, protects us, it deliberates attention to our present.

Realize your vision of the future and be a better version of yourself.

We all women must do our best to help shape the future for ourselves and our children. 

We live in an exciting time full of infinite possibilities.

Most of us spend a lot of time thinking about our past and future.

Try to let go of past thoughts and worries about the future.

And focus all your attention on your present.

When you get lost in thoughts about the past or the future,

You lose your presence in the present, where real life happens.

There is a lot of truth in the idea.

Looking only forward or even backward can hinder our ability to appreciate the present.

Realize Your Vision of the future! Don't Wait For A Mystery Tomorrow!

Realize your vision of the future and be a better version of  yourself.

Do something different! Don’t wait for the world to change!

All of  your life experiences will become a motivating and stimulating factor for your  current action to build a prosperous future.

You can do everything in your power to reconstruct your past and plan for a better future.

Instead of getting frustrated with delays, you can be grateful for them.

 If we keep waiting to do something, we will be waiting for quite a long time. 

We should not keep on waiting and waiting for the world to change.

You need to do something today that will make a difference in the future!

How To Do Something Today That Will Make A Difference In Your Future?

Do Something Different for a Change is an effective tool to help you discover who you are.

So when you're wondering what you can do differently, give your mind a break.

A small change in doing something different can make enough of a difference.

 It will give you a different perspective and get you out of the rabbit hole.

By doing something different, you may also find that you start to be different from yourself and the people around you.

You may notice that people around you see you differently and start to change.

Often, one might even think about doing things differently when it isn't.

If we behave differently, we begin to think differently due to the new experiences and the new results we get.

The problem is that everything that surrounds us, personally and professionally, is constantly evolving, making new demands on us.

No one knows what will happen tomorrow. But we all Women still keep waiting for a mystery tomorrow!

Your Tomorrow is a mystery! Your Yesterday was history, and Today is your present!

Don’t wait for a mysterious tomorrow!  Do things you want to do in your life today!

Don’t keep waiting! Force yourself to do something new every day!

It will take you out of the comfort zone of your routines and habits.

A meaningful way to achieve your goals is to turn positive actions into habits every day.

And without thinking about it, you'll make progress! 

Rise Above All And Live Your Life!




Thanks for Reading This Article!

I Wish You All A Blooming Success And A Terrific Day!

God Bless You All!

Please leave your message if you like to share anything with me.

My Email: bibi@women-site.com

Best Wishes! Always Be Who You Are! And Keep Rocking!

Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!

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