Everywhere I read: “Treat others like you want them to treat you.”
But I say: “Don’t treat others as you want them to treat you, but treat them the way they want.”
“When you treat others the way they want, their life starts to have meaning and purpose.”
– Bibi Nasabi
A Single Woman Has Ability To Change Things!
Each time a woman stands, she stands for all women!
We may not be in the same boat, but we all are in the same storm.
And all storms don’t destroy us; they come to clear our path!
Stand up and be a light for all women! We all have a connection for a reason!
Do something worth remembering!
When you’re generous, you’ll feel abundant and wealthy in all areas of your life.
Remember, we rise by lifting others!
Women must begin somewhere, doing things that will improve their lives and other women’s lives.
When you give your heart to kindness and love, you’ll be the richest and happiest person in the universe.
Absolute joy comes not from material possessions but from helping those in need.
Every One Of Us Is Not Able To Win Every Single Battle!
Winning battles doesn’t make us happier!
But letting go and choosing to see things in better light can make us happier.
The most common reason why women surrender their power is that they believe that they have none.
When we are listening to women with problems, it makes them feel heard.
Let’s ALL Be Somebody Who Makes Everybody Feel Like Somebody!
Most women act out toward other women because they are internally wounded.
When you look at the people out there, they look at you.
And they are smiling at you; that is when you know you are loved.
Making someone feel good will make you realize how awesome you are.
Encouraging is simply saying kind words to lift the spirit.
Being a positive influence on someone else’s life will make them feel happy.
And being the one to make someone feel heard will set you apart in the best way.
Kind Words Inspire To Push Forward!
Make someone laugh harder, smile more significantly, and experience life a little better.
People forget what you said, what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
An encouraging word lifts our spirits when we feel burned out and despairing.
Remember, we are not in the same boat but the same storm!
Never forget who helped you, especially those who helped you, before you even had to ask.
Please Help to Improve the Lives of All women!
Please, never be one of those women that do not help and do not speak out.
Support the woman when you know she is in the right!
No one truly knows what is going on inside somebody else’s heart.
You may observe depression on another woman’s face and should reach out and help her without asking.
No matter what difficulties we may face, never be afraid of scars.
Scars make us stronger!
We will always need to battle hardships and endure our share of pain before achieving success!
Thanks for Reading This Article!
I Wish You All A Blooming Success And A Terrific Day!
God Bless You All!
Please leave your message if you like to share anything with me.
My Email: bibi@women-site.com
Best Wishes! Always Be Who You Are! And Keep Rocking!
Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!
Do Good Deeds Not For Attention!
2 comments on “A Single Woman Has Ability To Change Things”
“We may not be in the same boat, but we all are in the same storm.” Wow, very nice quote in a great article!
Thank you, for your support, I’m truly grateful!
Let’s spread Love and Light! Have a blessed day.