Do You Fear And Feel Like A Stranger In Your Own Body?

Do You Fear And Feel Like A Stranger In Your Own Body?

“Don’t be afraid of looking up for yourself. If you want to achieve any goal in your life, set them correctly. Learn to live above the clouds and transform to what you want to be.”

-Bibi Nasabi


Don't fear and feel like a stranger in your own body!

Don’t feel like a stranger in your body! Don’t fear and step back, and be pushed!

Fear motivates us to grow, overcomes our comfort zones, and transforms us.

Do you fear and feel like a stranger in your own body?

Identify and get rid of your unnecessary thoughts and cope with the feelings of anxiety.

When we allow fear to stunt our progress in life, we are more likely to miss out on some great opportunities along the way.

 We often face challenges in pursuing our most passionate goals, and fear keeps us from realizing and achieving those goals.

But when it comes to overcoming phobias, dealing with your fears is your key.

Coping with social phobia requires patience, the courage to face fear and try new things, and the willingness to practice.

Women with a social phobia should learn to control fear, develop self-confidence and coping skills, and stop avoiding things that make them anxious.

The idea is to gradually expose yourself to what you fear, starting small and  moving on to more challenging  situations.

This way, you can use fear to move towards your ultimate goal.

Why can the fear of failure make us immobile?

Fear of failure makes us do nothing and refuse to move forward.

 But the fear of failure (also known as "atychiphobia") is when we allow this fear to hinder doing things that might push us to achieve our goals.

Examples include the fear of losing the one we love the most, never realizing our dreams and ambitions, and even fear of our death.

When we live in fear, we often live in the past or the future.

 We don't just want to put up with our fears: we want to eliminate them.

Anything can happen at any time, but being afraid of the unknowable and not participating in what you like; is a waste of life simply because something might happen.

If you find it difficult to protect yourself, you are probably not aware of your needs and get along too well with other people.

You are afraid that you will have to deal with rejection or anger if you do not give in to the wants and needs of others.

Fear  of love can also be associated with a more profound fear of vulnerability, being hurt, abandoned, or failing.

You may not be afraid of love itself, but more than anything, you have internalized the fear of emotional loss or pain.

Research shows that people fearful of failure end up in highly negative moods after being asked to visualize goals and achieve them.

I don't believe in living in fear even when life is challenging.

Why is life so challenging?

Life is not always easy. It would be best to determine how to find your purpose in life. 

The best thing is to find a purpose in your life and make it a reality.

Identify, recognize and respect your actual life goals.

 It takes a lot to get out of your life without the goal of changing your lifestyle and thinking.

Most of us feel convinced that happiness is the ultimate destination that we can achieve if we make the right choices, learn from our mistakes, and keep moving forward.

Seeing goals as a journey rather than a destination increases our chances of initial and subsequent success, but this metaphor does not change naturally.

Choose appropriate goals that are in harmony with what you believe in and value.

You will find that your path to goal setting will be much more harmonious and smoother when you choose goals  relevant to your life and who you are deep inside.

The goal-setting process helps you choose where you want to go in life.

Why is setting and achieving goals so confusing and frustrating?

Setting and achieving personal and professional goals can be rewarding but confusing and frustrating.

 But we can be confident that we are getting what we want in life by organizing ourselves, planning our future, tracking our progress, strengthening our thinking, and pushing ourselves away. 

Happiness is the ultimate destination that we can achieve if we make the right choices, learn from our mistakes, and keep moving forward.

Seeing goals as a journey rather than a destination increases our initial and subsequent success chances.

After knowing your long-term goals and still not working on them can make you feel like you wasted your time, which can lead you to unnecessary stress, anxiety, and even depression.

If the goal is too big, it may seem like you are not  progressing towards it. 

Breaking larger goals into smaller, more manageable goals makes it easier to see how to achieve the plan.

When you have reached a goal, think about how you got there. Then lock in your destination with goal setting, affirmation, and visualization, and start taking action. It will point you in the right direction.

Plan and execute your actions by achieving your dreams.

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God Bless You All!

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Best Wishes! Always Be Who You Are! And Keep Rocking!

Do Good To Others! Good Things Happen To Good People!

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